Use "loophole|loopholes" in a sentence

1. There ought to be a loophole.

2. Chic Tedman Besiegings and loopholes

3. I am a huge fan of loopholes.

4. To crack down on tax loopholes.

5. 4 There was, indeed, one possible loophole.

6. 5 Many abusers have escaped through this loophole.

7. Political parties anonymous donation 'loophole' Criticised

8. 1 Every law has a loophole.

9. 2 A good lawyer can always find a loophole.

10. But when it comes to escaping gravity, there’s a loophole.

11. 15 Otherwise, an IPO would constitute a giant tax loophole.

12. 23 A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole.

13. 13 This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.

14. However, several Western companies remain due to loopholes in the sanctions.

15. 6 The company employed lawyers to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.

16. 24 Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole.

17. 3 The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution.

18. Senator Talbert's priorities are affordable housing and closing corporate tax loopholes.

19. 6 The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

20. I I'm really not looking for any, sort of, uh, loopholes or- - um-

21. 11 Various ways of using this loophole are under current investigation.

22. 7 This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.

23. Blockhouse definition, a fortified structure with ports or loopholes through which defenders may direct gunfire

24. I know you got a million legal loopholes that we can dance through...

25. Since we are striving to keep our integrity, we do not look for loopholes.

26. This definition, notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water.

27. 17 People who don't want to pay tax will exploit any loophole.

28. 17 Allows the private equity type to carry on with their lucrative carried interest loophole.

29. The AP first reported that podcasts were a loophole for conspiracies, despite wider tech Crackdowns

30. Mike Cochroone works as security guard in an Armored cars company with an eye for the loopholes

31. 6 He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.

32. Government has plugged the loopholes in the system to make it transparent and corruption free- PM

33. (b) What shows that the creating of many laws leads to the creating of many loopholes?

34. 12 Those people are not exploiting a loophole or grabbing at a large pot of gold.

35. However, like its predecessors, this reform act provided ample loopholes to those who wish to circumvent the legislation.

36. 26 A good first step would be to close the loophole in that conflict-of-interest clause.

37. Deductions would be eliminated in most cases to close loopholes and discourage the use of tax shelters.

38. If you rigidly adhere to rules, your teen will be tempted to look for loopholes.

39. These men, known as scribes, were adroit at finding loopholes for people intent on circumventing the Law.

40. Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

41. 10 There is no loophole to grant budget flexibility in case of an economic downturn.

42. 3 Yet since even the best laws leave loopholes, unsavory characters find ways to game the system.

43. The income tax system we have today is a nightmarish combination of class warfare and corrupt loopholes.

44. 30 Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

45. 19 The council voted 5-2 to examine how Colorado and Oregon have handled the background check loophole.

46. Foods to boost your physique, your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

47. One key Republican lawmaker is proposing that the state close a franchise tax loophole for businesses.

48. 14 And so, an Arizona-based company exploited that loophole, sending countless faxes to unsuspecting Californians.

49. This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

50. 21 They have urged the Government to tighten up the apparent loophole which allows motorists to speed.

51. 8 This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

52. Legal systems today illustrate that often the more laws there are, the more loopholes people find in them.

53. 5 He will probe unceasingly for loopholes by which to claw his way back to his prewar stature.

54. 18 He gave me a faintly hurt look then, smiled and said, you must leave me some loophole.

55. Legal loopholes and loose enforcement mean that thousands of tons of poisonous waste land on African, Asian, and Latin- American soil.

56. Online gambling legislation often has loopholes that result from the rapid development of the technology underpinning the development of the industry.

57. Now the 1986 tax-revision measure that shut down shelters and closed some loopholes might best be called a museum piece.

58. The roof above is modern, while the parapets are crenellated in the Irish style with loopholes, alure, machicolation and weeps.

59. 27 It attacks the fundamental flaws and loopholes in the campaign finance regulatory system adopted in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

60. 25 Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.

61. In effect, “till death do us part” becomes little more than a cold contract —one that the mates wish had loopholes.

62. Love does not seek loopholes; it keeps us from doing harmful things that a law code might not explicitly prohibit.

63. 29 Forbes was protesting a Clinton administration effort to close a Medicare tax loophole that benefits thousands of business partnerships.

64. 20 Foods to boost your physique,[] your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

65. Human rights provisions in the constitution were watered down with loopholes that allow the state to criminalize even peaceful expression, association, and assembly.

66. 28 If some material is lost already, that is all the more reason to stop a lapse becoming a loophole.

67. `Any system will have Anomalies, and there are always those who will pay well for a guide through whatever loopholes may exist

68. The daily firings produced by the withering economy offered loopholes of opportunity for a young man who kept his eyes open.

69. 27 They did so simply by reading the fine print and slithering through the loophole that yawned, obvious and inviting, therein.

70. 13 In addition to legally avoiding taxes through the use of loopholes, there is also the unsavory problem of illegal tax evasion.

71. 16 It is estimated that 000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.

72. 22 The Home Office says the changes will close a loophole to organisations such as the Literal Democrats which appear designed to confuse.

73. The Pharisees were largely responsible for the form of Judaism that exists today, so it is not surprising that Judaism still seeks loopholes in its many added Sabbath restrictions.

74. There will be Blustering about the need for background checks for gun sales, closing so-called “loopholes” and getting “weapons of war” off the streets

75. This is the loophole through which the hair can pop out and be Combed at a great distance by a gravitational wave observatory," said Burko

76. Conditional Betrothals: The Rabbinic Loophole to make Kiddushin Relevant There is limited if indirect evidence of the relative lack of popular interest in kiddushin in the rabbinic sources themselves

77. In the 2002 sequel Episode II: Attack of the Clones, set 10 years later, Palpatine exploits constitutional loopholes to remain in office even after the official expiration of his term.

78. Guided by Bible principles, we will not look for loopholes in God’s laws; nor will we imitate those who try to see how far they can go without actually breaking a certain law.

79. A bankrupt’s successful 2006 Court of Appeal 1 challenge to the “Abscondee” provisions in the Bankruptcy Ordinance effectively forced LegCo to tighten up one of the loopholes plaguing the current legislation

80. A Backdoor Roth IRA is a convenient loophole that allows high-income individuals to enjoy all the tax benefits that a Roth IRA has to offer by converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA